Robbery & Armed Robbery

Robbery is the taking of property by force whereby the person releasing the property would not have done so but for the threat they perceived.

The penalties for robbery offences are severe and will often include terms of imprisonment, especially if the offender is armed or conducted the offence in the company of another offender. Robbery can occur with or without a weapon and there are a number of aggravating factors that enhance the objective seriousness of the offence.

The prosecution will often have problems in robbery cases especially with respect to identification, which is very unreliable. Furthermore, even if there is forensic evidence in the form of DNA or fingerprints, it is often the case that an explanation is available that is consistent with innocence. 

In any event, Paul FC McGirr is highly experienced in defending a person accused of robbery. Call now on 0405 508 099 for advice and next steps. If you are calling on behalf of somebody in gaol, we are prepared to arrange a gaol visit to talk to them directly about their situation.