Why McGirr & Associates?

Paul FC McGirr VA BM, Principal of McGirr & Associates, has extensive experience in the Local, District and Supreme Courts in a wide range of matters, right across NSW, QLD, VIC, SA and ACT. He was a decorated police officer and senior Police prosecutor before becoming a highly regarded criminal defence lawyer focusing solely on crime and fighting for those that seek his representation. Paul has also been a member of the Criminal Law Committee of the Law Society of NSW.

For some complex matters we work with a team of lawyers within our firm and brief the following barristers:

  • Michael Smith

  • Dean Woodbury

  • David Price

  • Brendan Green

  • Greg James AM QC

  • Stuart Littlemore QC

  • Tony Bellanto QC

  • Phil Strickland SC

  • Grant Brady SC

If you have been arrested and/or charged with a criminal offence, it is critically important that you talk to us at the first available opportunity. The choices you make now can potentially have significant consequences to your life even if that fact is not appreciated at present. Unrepresented defendants often fare much worse than those who are legally represented.

Whilst the Police and prosecutors will attempt to pressure you into giving them information about your situation, you should not talk to them. Anything you do say to them can be used against you in court and may preclude your ability to use certain legal defences. Even if you think you have "nothing to hide", it is rare that the Police are ever satisfied with anything you may say, and even rarer for them to let you leave without laying formal charges. Police are constantly gathering information and if you find yourself in trouble, aiding them in their search is, in most cases, not in your best interest. 

However, you also shouldn't talk to your employer, the media or anyone else about your arrest and/or any charges laid against you. The media in particular cannot make your charges go away and they might inflame or worsen your situation. The only person you should talk to is an experienced criminal lawyer from McGirr & Associates. We will provide you with an understanding of all options available, including maximum possible penalties that you may face, in an upfront manner so you are fully aware of the process.

Paul FC McGirr has extensive experience in all areas of the criminal law; from traffic infringements to drink driving (PCA) offences, driving whilst suspended/disqualified, speeding and all related Road Traffic matters, as well as Apprehended Domestic Violence matters, both civil and criminal. Furthermore, he is especially experienced in complex criminal matters such as frauds, larceny offences, receiving offences, drug supply, drug trafficking, assaults (Common, Actual Bodily Harm and Grievous Bodily Harm), sexual assaults, affray, riots, attempted murder and murder. 

We pride ourselves on our detailed case preparation and adopt a focused, dynamic and pro-active approach. In major cases, our policy is to devote a team of experienced professionals to case preparation, working under the supervision of a partner. The object being to ensure that every effort is devoted to effectively securing the best results for our clients. The key to our success is based on our fearless commitment to the cause of our client in each and every case that we undertake.

We believe in sharing essential legal knowledge with you to enable you to make the right decisions, so we've put together some general information about some of the most common offences. Click the 'Criminal Areas of Practice' drop-down menu above for more detail. 

Please note that all information on this page relates to the law as it applies in New South Wales. It does not constitute formal legal advice and is provided as a general guide only.