Brett Henson ‘petrified’ he was going to die before stealing taxi

Brett Henson had a dispute with a taxi driver, Sayeed Ali Khan, over a broken door handle shortly before 9pm on November 4, 2022, telling a court stealing the taxi was the “only option” to save his life.

Police allege he stole the silver taxi from Hunter St in the CBD while intoxicated after threatening Mr Khan.

The 44-year-old told Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court on Monday he was “petrified” after the argument.

Mr Henson had attempted to get into the cab but told the court that he was flung backwards to the ground when the door handle broke. He denied he fell due to alcohol intoxication.

He told the court that he told Mr Khan, who isn’t accused of any wrongdoing, he would “add it to the bill” when he got home, but the driver asked him to get the money out of an ATM.

The former Mirvac executive said Mr Khan was “extremely aggressive” and had been trying to “extort” money before a group of five men set upon him. Mr Henson told the court the group involved Mr Khan.

“They were taking the side of the taxi driver trying to get money out of me, trying to get my phone or wallet. I said to leave me alone,” Mr Henson said.

“When they were chasing me I said ‘just call the police’ and they responded with ‘we are the police’.”

Mr Henson is fighting a range of driving offences at a hearing in the local court, including stealing a motor vehicle and dangerous driving.

The former prominent real estate figure was arrested in late 2022 after photos of the incident were circulated by NSW Police. He is now unemployed.

He told the court that the men, who were all “much bigger” than him, told Mr Henson they were the “Muslim brotherhood”.

The court was told the men were saying “let’s f**king get him”.

“I needed to get away from there, there was no other way I can escape … I can’t call the police … there’s no other option,” Mr Henson told the court.

Mr Henson managed to get away from the group and jumped into the taxi.

He told the court that he was terrified of the group so he drove through multiple red lights before he finally stopped at an intersection in the eastern suburbs.

When asked by his lawyer Paul McGirr what was going through his head, Mr Henson said: “These guys are going to kill me.

“I would be a victim of a king hit and my family would be up here instead of me being here today explaining.”

Mr McGirr described it as a “unique case” but urged the magistrate to assess his client as someone who has never had any findings of criminality.

He said his client had “genuine concerns” he could have died in a “one-punch” attack.

“Who would not be petrified when they’re outnumbered and saying the things they said?” Mr McGirr said.

Magistrate Gregory Moore has reserved his decision for a later date.