Craig Young a 'stand-up bloke' for supporting Brett Finch: Paul McGirr

Paul McGirr has passionately defended the character of St George Illawarra Dragons Chairman Craig Young after he received criticism for providing a letter of support for former NRL player Brett Finch in his sentencing proceedings.

“He’s a stand-up bloke,” McGirr told the Sydney Morning Herald.

“Craig has illustrated to me and the Finch family that if you can’t rely on people you think are your mates in your time of need, then they aren’t true mates. Many others offered silent support but Craig was prepared to not only put in writing his support but also front up to court and say it under oath. He wasn’t there to be popular. He was there to stand up and support.

“He knows all the facts and made it clear he despises anything to do with this type of offence. A great number of people aren’t interested in knowing the full story about why and how Brett committed this offence.

“He’s guilty regardless of the reasoning but Craig on oath made it clear that he doesn’t believe Brett has a sexual interest in children but drugs put him in this position.

“I’ve known Craig for over a decade and if I was going over the trenches, I’d want him next to me.”

Mr Finch is represented by McGirr & Associates.