Pathetic case against Wagga Wagga mechanic Chris Dennis thrown out of court

In a textbook case as to why the NSW Highway Patrol police ought to stick to traffic matters, Paul McGirr has successfully defended long-time Wagga Wagga mechanic Chris Dennis from absurd allegations of fraud after a police inspection of his brake testing machine suggested the date was incorrect. It was also suggested that because he was suffering from cancer and operating this brake testing machine, he was allegedly braking Authorised Inspection Station rules for doing so., The so called fraud also included that he supposedly received $42 per test.

After police failed to adduce any evidence that there had been any fraudulent intent nor any evidence that he had actually received any payment as alleged, the case was thrown out of court, there being no ‘prima facie’ case.

“My client is now preparing to sue for wrongful arrest and possible malicious prosecution,” Mr McGirr said on Saturday. “The highway patrol should … stick to parking tickets and don’t busy yourself with fraud investigations.”

The story was featured in ‘The Snitch’ section of the Sunday Telegraph on 3 July 2022