NSW Police withdraw AVO against Chris Nasser

NSW Police have today elected to withdraw their application for an apprehended violence order taken out by Hollie Nasser against her estranged husband, investor Christopher Nasser.

The interim order was taken out by Ms Nasser last December while she was embroiled in a high-profile society marriage split.

Paul McGirr had vigorously argued with police that the AVO was completely baseless and was being used by Ms Nasser as a “sword instead of a shield” against Mr Nasser who is a non-violent person.

'(Mr Nasser) has never been violent, he's quite the contrary, a reserved and humble person.

'At no stage would he ever strike anyone, particularly a woman and the mother of his children. 

'The whole process of having laundry aired in public, particularly for the children, has caused him great distress.

'His children have always been paramount. He wants to move on with his life and he holds no animosity towards anybody

'There are no winners in this, but it shows unfortunately how some people can allegedly use the system to seek an AVO, which should be used not as a sword but as a shield.

'My client is a gentle, loving father,’ Mr McGirr said.

Chris Nasser Hollie Nasser interim AVO dropped by police | Daily Telegraph